“In 1974 I signed on as a clown with Circus Vargas, arguably the last of the big three-ring  American circuses under canvas. We traveled back and forth across America in a great caravan of eighteen-wheelers. I took the name "Molloy the Clown" in a sort of homage to the Beckett character of that name.” – Stephen Brennan




“A Clown In Town” Perry Street Theatre 1976

“Dylan Project” Tisch Hall 1978

“Spells” Perry Street Theatre 1979

“Too Realers” Perry Street Theatre 1980-81

“Too Realers 2” The Theater of the Open Eye 1982

“In the Center Ring” NY State Museum, Albany 1982

“Juke Box” Perry Street Theatre 1983

“Juke Box “ La Mama Annex 1984

“Yo, Jonah!” Merkin Concert Hall  2007

“Mimi and Gustav In Love and Pirates” by Denis Woychuk, Kraine Theater  2011